press release
December 20TH 2019
New framework agreement with Swedavia for self-driving snowploughs
Last winter Yeti Snow Technology successfully tested autonomous snowploughs at Oslo Airport in Norway. Now Swedavia has chosen to use the new technology at Swedish airports through a new framework agreement with Øveraasen who will supply snow removal machines equipped with the Yeti system.
For air traffic to run smoothly, the runways must be totally free from snow. The Swedish airport operator Swedavia has signed a framework agreement with Øveraasen for autonomous snowploughs with technology developed by the Kongsberg based company Yeti Snow Technology.
"This is a confirmation of the market potential of the Yeti system. Our solutions for self-driving snow clearing vehicles will make for more efficient airport winter maintenance, which lower cost for the airport operators and reduces delays for the passengers’’ said John Emil Halden, Acting General Manager at Yeti Snow Technology.
Yeti Snow Technology, jointly owned by Semcon, Øveraasen and Husqvarna, has over the last 3 years developed an advanced system for management of autonomous vehicles used in environments with high requirements for safety, accuracy and reliability. The system is already tested at airports and in road construction, and there is great potential for other areas of application.
Swedavia is a state-owned company which owns and manages operations at 10 of Sweden's busiest airports, including Stockholm Arlanda Airport, Göteborg Landvetter Airport and Malmö Airport.
For more information, please contact:
John Emil Halden, Acting General Manager
Phone: +47 911-53-832
Email: [email protected]
Ny rammeavtale med Swedavia for
selvkjørende snøploger
Sist vinter gjennomførte Yeti Snow Technology AS vellykkede tester på Oslo Lufthavn med autonome snøploger. Nå har Swedavia valgt å bruke den nye teknologien på svenske flyplasser gjennom en ny rammeavtale med Øveraasen for levering av snøploger med Yeti løsning for autonomi.
For god avvikling i flytrafikken på vinteren, må rullebanene være helt frie for snø. Nå har den svenske flyplassoperatøren Swedavia inngått en rammeavtale med Øveraasen for levering av autonome snøploger med teknologi utviklet av det Kongsberg-baserte selskapet Yeti Snow Technology.
‘’Dette er en bekreftelse på at teknologien vi utvikler er etterspurt i markedet. Våre løsninger for automatisert snørydding effektiviserer vintervedlikehold på flyplasser og kan senke kostnader og redusere forsinkelser for flypassasjerene’’ sier John Emil Halden, fungerende General Manager i Yeti Snow Technology.
Yeti Snow Technology, som eies av Semcon, Øveraasen og Husqvarna, har i løpet av de 3 siste årene utviklet et avansert system for styring av autonome kjøretøyer som brukes i miljøer med høye krav til sikkerhet, nøyaktighet og pålitelighet. Systemet er allerede testet på flyplasser og i veibygging, og det er stort potensiale for andre bruksområder.
Swedavia er et statlig selskap som eier og driver 10 av Sveriges travleste flyplasser, inkludert Stockholm Arlanda Airport, Göteborg Landvetter Airport og Malmö flyplass.
For mer informasjon, kontakt:
John Emil Halden, Acting General Manager
Telefon: +47 911-53-832
Email: [email protected]
press release
New partnership with HusQVarna in autonomous technology
Yeti Snow Technology, which develops autonomous snow clearance systems for airports, may in time be able to apply their solution to entirely new areas. Today it was announced that Husqvarna Group will join Semcon and Øveraasen as owners of the company. This opens up new possibilities for this smart technology
Yeti Snow Technology has developed an advanced system for self-driving vehicles that is used in environments with high demands for safety, precision and reliability. So far, the focus has been on clearing snow from airport runways, and over 40 tests were carried out at Oslo Airport this past winter. Husqvarna Group’s new partnership in the joint venture company paves the way for other areas of application
“We have developed a technology for self-driving vehicles in the very toughest conditions, and this has given us a great deal of knowledge in the area,” says Hans Peter Havdal, Division Manager at Semcon. “Partnering with Husqvarna opens new doors for Yeti Snow Technology to scale up and further industrialize the solution”
Husqvarna Group is a market leader in grass cutting technology and with autonomous solutions, airports could streamline a time-consuming job
“Autonomous technology has been a focus for quite some time at Husqvarna Group. By combining our know-how with the knowledge and experience of our new partners, we aim at improving the airport management enhancing safety, lowering costs and providing a better passenger experience", says Sascha Menges, President Husqvarna Division
The three companies will share ownership equally in Yeti Snow Technology. The aim of the partnership is to further develop autonomous solutions for airports, and ultimately in other areas as well
For more information, please contact:
John Emil Halden, Sales and Marketing
Phone: +47 911-53-832